I was born in London in 1963 and i am a self -taught artist.
My journey with art started when I was a teenager after I discovered the late astronomer Carl Sagan, his enthusiasm and the amazing images of the planets blew me away, that was the day I picked up a brush and my journey with art began.
I wanted my art to look life like, then I discovered the airbrush, which took many years to master.
Art collage was the obvious route for me & from there I worked for Disney as an animation artist.
In my thirty five years as an artist I have had the honour to work for Cambridge University for the Theoretical Physicist the late Stephen Hawkins for his book “THE EXTREME UNIVERSE” I have also had work commissioned for book cover “COSMIC CONNECTIONS”
For my hero the late Carl Sagan. My work as been in exhibitions and in Galleries throughout the UK.
My work has evolved over the years from astronomy & surreal art to portraits and landscapes. I am always interested in new ideas to experiment with and go anywhere in the minds eye, opening new doors to the visual imagination.
I believe that art is an expression of ourselves and the beauty of a piece of art is in the eyes of the spectator,
We all interpret art in differently and nothing more than art can evoke emotions.