Born in 1974, Jose Miguel Callado is a Spanish contemporary Artist.
'In praise of the shadow.
Rike used to say that, 'The unique space, the intimate space of the world unfolds through all beings.' Something like this happens when contemplating the work of Jose Callado. The totality of his world is projected, in an intimate dimension that is transported to the sensitive catagory of dreaming. They are desolate landscapes, uncertain for the memory, something like it happens with the circular ruins of the Borges. It enhances the calm and the contemplation of the landscape in a phenomenological experience. The distant becomes present and another part of the environment enlarges until it merges into two alternate immencities, in accordance with the chromatic sobriety of his poetic: the absence of man in front of the landscape is identified with the painters solitude before the blank canvas, creating an existential labyrinth that is projected in one dimension on the painting itself. If in Morandi the value of the atmosphere, of the impossible contours, is imposed on the detailed and precise figure, in Jose Callado's work the icy, vaporous and organic substrates configure in his canvases a unique plane that some can understand as an ecological message between abstraction and expressionism, and others, in an artists inquiry between matter and creative freedom.
Jose Callado in his latest work, offers us at first glance a denotative work like an atlas, geophysics of delight: arid and snowy landscapes, forests, deltas....That emerge or bury a chaotic world, perhaps that of Nietzsche. Effects that in the painting offer an attempt to match an organic expressionism with the heartbreaking eloquence of the one who captures an intimate reunion with reality and desire, Canuda.'
Jose Manuel Martinez Cano.
Exposiciones individuales
Galeria Pablo Alfaro 2019
Club Ramses Madrid 2019
Susan Lazy Gallery New York 2018
Galeria la Lisa 2016
Real Casino De Murcia 2014
Galería fonderie Toulouse 2013
Galería Lorenzo colomo Valladolid
Galeria Montsequi TRYDY Madrid
Museo de Albacete TRYDY 2012
MOG Museo de obra grafica de san
Clemente 2009
FAP Fundación Antonio Pérez. Cuenca
Museo municipal. Albacete 2007
Fundación Estema. Valencia 2006
Museo monográfico del azafrán.
Teruel 2006
Fabrica de Harinas. Albacete 2004
Delegación de Educación y Cultura.
Albacete 1994
Exposiciones colectivas
Salon del arte contemporaneo,
Carrusel del Louvre. Museo Louvre.
Paris 2011
BAGL Berlin 2011
Museo Municipal De Albacete. 2007
Galería Diablos y Tiradores. Chinchilla
de Montearagon. 2005
Galería Gaudi. Madrid 2005
Museo Municipal De Albacete (38
pintores y el quijote). 2005
Museo Municipal De Albacete
(Artistas Plásticos De Albacete) 2005
Fundación Campollano. CCM
Albacete 2005
Sala de Exposiciones de la CCM
(Artistas Solidarios) Albacete 2004
Salón Nacional De Medio Ambiente.
IFEMA 2002
Ferias y Muestras
Art Meeting Portugal 2011
Holland Art Fair 2006. La Haya
Art Innsbruck 2006. Innsbruck
Artenim 2005. Nimes (Francia)
Artepadova 2005. Adoba (Italia)
Feria De Arte Contemporáneo de
Regía Emilia 2005 (Italia)
Obras Adquiridas
Fundacion Antonio Perez
Museo Chillida Leku
Museo Monográfico del Azafrán
Museo Municipal De Albacete
Fomento De Construcciones y
Junta De Comunidades De Castilla La
Diputación Provincial De Albacete
Otros Datos De Interés
Portada del libro COMUNION de Eloy
M Cebrian
Portada del disco ZONA DE
CONFLICTO de Lagartija Nick
Presentacion de BONNEATIRER en el
museo Chillida Leku 2010
Seleccionado Para la Galería Virtual
Del Programa Fluido Rosa RNE Radio
Ponente En La Universidad De Castilla
La Mancha