Somnath Bothe born in 1982 in Paithan, District - Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Somnath worked in Pune, Maharashtra as an artist of tremendous talent. He obtained Diploma in Art from Mumbai University (Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya, Pune). He was awarded the Gold Medal, Royal Academy, National Level, Gulbarga, Karnataka; Gold Medal, National College Student “Varnika Manav Sanket”, Ujjain & Silver Medal, National College Student “Kalawart Nyas”, Ujjain also.
His journey into the art field began with landscapes and portraits while his development started him thinking about the sensitivity and intent of his painting… As his entire childhood was spent in a village, a very close relationship with village culture was naturally ingrained.
“A deep rooted respect for ‘nature’ and ‘humility’ is the inspiration for my paintings”, says Somnath. Then moving on in education and living a city life created new sensitivities and understandings… the blend of these different environments and cultures indirectly flowed in his painting… His paintings are colorful, vibrant, nostalgic at times, and sheer conversational pieces. Subdued and quiet by nature painting is his language. Somnath has his own way of showing his creations. His color schemes are modern and flashy but this is intentional, to remind us of the importance of the geography and historical places. The fusion of the rainy season in cities and villages around the historical places, constitute the subjects of his paintings. Now painting is not just a technique, it has become a medium of expression for him.
Somnath Bothe's creations represent a beautiful blend of varied geographies and cultures. The passion for cherishing humanity, love and affection, fusion of village and city life are the subjects of his works and folk human figures find a central place in most of his artworks.