Sujiet Podar (Born 1972) I'm an Indian professional visual artist.
After graduating in fine art from college of arts and crafts at Patna university, I have shifted to the Indian city Mumbai for practicing my art. I am interested in a subject, a pivotal event and part of Indian musical history and the musical migration in India. My art depicts the concept of tradition, identity, migration, and the exchange of music and musical ideas.
I always try to transform the colorful surface and figure of faded past memories.
1997 bachelor of fine arts From College of arts & crafts, Patna University
My Artwork investigate music, musician and music instruments,
Solo show
2018 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
Group Exhibitions
2020 A group show of my paintings is Running by galleria Balmain, London
2020 A group show at jehangir Art gallery, MUMBAI
2020 61st National Exhibition of Art by LKA new Delhi (India)
2019 Gandhi through the Eyes of Artists, Curated by Progressive Art Gallery New Delhi,
2018 COLORS 2018, Coomaraswamy Hall, CSMVS MUMBAI.
2017 Artist’ center arts gallery by” Art yard “Mumbai
2017 Artist’ center arts gallery” post -age “Mumbai
2017 Faculty of fine arts gallery “HUB 9”, Baroda.
2016 Faculty of fine arts gallery by shimeesha arts studio, Baroda.
2016 Sound Installation a Bird project show at open-studio, Baroda.
2015 Emami chisel Art gallery, Kolkata.
2015 Tao art gallery, Mumbai.
2015 Video installation at, Sanskruti art- Festival thane, Mumbai.
2015 Akruti Art Gallery, Baroda.
2014 Four men show from Nehru Centre Art Gallery (ac) Mumbai.
2013 Ravindra natya mandir, by artdom, mumbai .
2013 Coomarswamy Hall Museum Mumbai.
2011 Lalit kala Academy center, luck now.
2010 On- line gallery Mumbai
2009 Shri Parvati art gallery, chennai .
2009 at gufa Art gallery, Ahmadabad.
2008 “Aranya” by RAD at Birla academy, Calcutta.
2007 “Ruthless journey” Lalit kala akademi, Chennai.
1996 62nd all India exhibition of By Indian academy of fine arts
1992-96 Faculty’s exhibition college of
Arts and crafts. Patna.
1996 62nd Indian Academy Of fine arts Society Amritsar.
1996 State level By Shilpi shangh .
2019 all india National camp By LKA of india at Ranchi
2017 A Water color camp by Tushita Green, Pawagudh . Gujarat
2014 All India camp by Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai.
2013 Lalit- kala Academy at Reasnal Centre Bhubaneswar.
2012 Palash all India camp- Ranchi. (Jharkhand).
2011 lalit kala academy at Allahabad.
2010 All India camp alibag by edelweiss Mumbai.
2009 risikesh by shri Parvati gallery Chennai.
2013 January “Kala Samvad ” ( Delhi)
2016 April “Art and Deal ” ( Delhi)
2020 June “ Arts Illustrated ” ( Chennai )
2020 October “ARTIUREQA” ( Chennai )
2020 October “ MRIDANG” (Mumbai)