I have always wanted my own Art studio where I can indulge my creative flow and probably secret myself into the bargain for many hours….days even!
It’s all planned out with that side of the roof and south facing wall in glass for maximum light, a wood burning stove, hammock, kitchen, loo and enough space for 3 areas, to paint, photograph and sculpt….maybe all at the same time. I once saw a film about JM Basquiat where he would have 5 canvas’s in paint at various stages to complete, in one of his explosive creative periods and complete them all virtually at the same time, such was his work ethic. Why I asked myself, and could only guess at that’s how his inner soul propelled him to tell his story and make sense of the racket in his head, screaming as it was to get out. What is it they say about a picture saying a 1000 word’s, it’s so true, is what!
The story is of course only a part of Art though is often the focus in dance, opera, music and all the various mediums, so lucky us, we are not limited in any way and can express our feelings, politics and opinions in a very technical and myriad of ways. The Artist within all of us escapes, to be free and enjoy the luxury of indulging our expression, however we choose and that so few other ways properly depict, so well?
We have all taken to social media these days to project ourselves above the chaos and have our say in a burst of freedom of expression, so it’s a pity it’s become mired in controversy, corrupt and ‘fakebook’ stuff to! Why waste such a glorious opportunity to be heard, if you can’t be believed?
My joy is complete today, as the life classes I attended before lockdown are cranking up again, so I will be back at the easel very soon having got back into drawing for the first time since school Art lessons where I first knew I wanted to go to Art College afterwards. and Mum and Dad said, ‘Get a proper job’! Then spent the next 50 years in various soulless careers, mainly marketing and drooling over any exhibitions I was lucky enough to get to, as well as the ballet, opera and live music of various types and genres. I think reading an autobiography about Renoir when I was fascinated with the French Impressionists was what cemented my love for the struggle to produce Art. Here was one of the true greats, forced to paint teacups for a living because the impressionist style was not accepted or wanted by the public or the Academy, it really beggar’s belief now. Why did he persist and get it so right…surely that can only be a commitment to his soul and what joy that must have been for his inner self?
Ah yes teacups, now where are those plans for the studio again….
For me… and hopefully for you also… Art has been a historical journey, as yet unfinished and I believe never will be. There is always something ...
Galleria Balmain Charity Christmas Card Competition! Good to be able to see more normality now and we hope our little competition to spark your ...
1. Who are you and what do you do? I am an artist, art historian and art teacher. I have co-founded an art movement, Neomodernism, which espouses spiritual ...
Who are you and what do you do? I am an artist, a curator and a gallerist. Why do you do what you do? I am an artist because it’s been ...
[[photo2]] Who are you and what do you do? My name is Ulf Johan Härd and I’m an artist from Sweden. I mainly paint with oil or acrylic. ...
The controversial prize has been won by untrained Artist Jiab Prachakul for 'Night Talk,' of which Thai-born Jiab Prachakul says about the friends she ...
We are all wonderful creatures in that we have a flexibility of thinking that got us to the top of the food chain and beyond…well we did land on ...
When what you need right now is a Covid test kit and to really kick that inertia into the middle of next year...at least..yeah, if that rings your bell, ...
I was very lucky to catch a BBC screened film, charting the life and work of Jean Michel Basquiat, who started Artistic life as the street Artist, with ...